
Two ways to track China Post packages on TrackingMore

If you bought goods from China, you would be definitely want to know the status of your China Post packages. At this time, you can go to TrackingMore to track your packages. This is simple and easy as all you need is to input your tracking number at a rectangle box and then click "Track" button. You have two options.

Option one: Search "TrackingMore" on Google, click the first search result and then enter TrackingMore official website. Here, you can input your tracking number and start tracking.
Option two: click China Post Tracking to enter the China Post Tracking page and then enter your tracking number.

TrackingMore provides bulk tracking services, delivery performance analytics, branded tracking page and more


With the development of e-commerce, the above tracking solutions certainly cannot meet the sellers' tracking needs. Therefore, we provide another tracking services, the bulk tracking services, which is also very convenient and practical. Users just need to sign up for an account, enter the TrackingMore backstage and perform the corresponding steps. Currently, every user can track at the backstage up to 200 numbers by importing an CSV file. If you exceeds that amount, then paying a small fee would solve all your tracking needs. Besides, the customer service representatives are always ready to provide support, so you need not to worry about a thing.

Numbers synchronized to the user’s TrackingMore account are automatically matched with the correct courier and tracked by the system. Users can filter numbers by couriers, shipping statuses, add time and do analytics to know the delivery performance, as needed. They can also set up a branded tracking page using the information supplied by the service. Users can also choose to display tracking results on their own page.

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